2021-05-10 北區 中華國小 學務處 報導點閱數:414 次校園新聞中國醫藥大學口衛隊蒞臨中華國小,帶來了一場精采的戲劇宣導,經由高潮迭起的故事進行,讓全校師長了解到蛀牙、口腔癌是如何產生,也學習到了刷牙的正確動作以保持口腔的衛生。
Santa’s Diet: A Students’ Play (北區中華國小)
2020-12-25 北區 中華國小 教務處 報導點閱數:697 次校園新聞Jhong Hua Elementary School, North District, DECEMBER 25: To celebrate Christmas Day, a student theater group presented a Christmas show in English. The show was a combination of drama, dance, and conversations about Christmas. In the play, the reindeer and an elf convince lazy Santa to join an exercise program to improve his health and vitality. Following the play, the whole school got into the spirit of the festival by performing a Christmas carol dance routine. In all, the audience gained clear ideas about healthy eating and self-care, as well as the value of giving rather than receiving. The students were trained by the school’s foreign English teacher, Peter Dunstan, and a team of local teachers. How did your school celebrate Christmas this year? Jhong Hua Elementary School wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
2020-12-16 北區 中華國小 學務處 報導點閱數:664 次校園新聞中華國小歲末喜迎春系列活動-社團成果快閃發表,12/15、16兩日學生放學時刻,由烏克麗麗、流行舞和小提琴的接續演出,在家長匯集接送小朋友的校門口快閃發表,營造熱鬧氣氛吸引眾人目光,更重要的是讓孩子在眾多目光下展現膽識,也可以讓家長們感受到孩子的學習,瞬間引起共鳴,一起來看看孩子的表演影像吧!