報導單位:潭子區 潭陽國小 江孟慈
這學期推薦的第三本英語繪本是「The Red Knight 紅色騎士」這本書籍,目前陳列在高圖,2/22(一)開學之後,小朋友們可以利用開放課餘時間前往借閱,從閱讀英語繪本來提升自己的英文程度喔!
Tom is a squire whose greatest wish is to become a knight as his brother Will one day. But when Will goes away, there is no one left to squire for, Tom then gets lost, and ends up looking after the horses. However, he still wants to be a brave knight in his deep heart. Later, a red knight then arrives to change his life. A simple story about people go away and come back differently, but always encourages people to keep moving forward.