這學期推薦的第二本繪本是「I want to be much more bigger like you 我想變得像你一樣大」這本書籍,目前陳列在高圖,2/22(一)開學之後,小朋友們可以利用開放課餘時間前往借閱,從閱讀英語繪本來提升自己的英文程度喔!
Charlie has little sister, Lola. Lola says with anger, “Why am I always, always the small one?” Lola, as always, tries to convince Charlie that she is tell enough to ride the roller coaster at the amusement park. But when Charlie measures her, it shows that she is still too small? “I want to be much more bigger like you.” Lola complains. Will Lola finally succeed to ride the roller coaster?
More stories with Charlie and Lola更多查理和蘿拉的故事: http://www.scarybeasties.com/charlieandlola/